About Maxdecal

Everything begins with an idea and everyone has an idea. With ideas, the world, humanity and industries change. Ideas are what make the world go round, driving innovation and change. In a market dominated by huge corporations, Maxdecal choose to support everyone who wants to make a difference. Maxdecal started its journey as a small startup by producing high quality adhesives, vinyl stickers and reflective products for automotive, safety signs and DIY applications. 

Since its first launching in 2018, Maxdecal made a prominent impact in Indonesian market and Maxdecal products are well received in the industry. Our team is constantly communicating, educating and interacting with industry players and customers to build and develop a brand that is listening to the customers.


The journey

In order to achieve our mission, which is to design and develop impactful solutions, Maxdecal always strives to find ways to provide the best experience that exceeds customer imagination and expectations through continuous development. To be a market leader, we continue to innovate to meet our costumers’ needs.
Maxdecal is committed to providing support for everyone’s ideas and goals. With our creative-driven minds, Maxdecal focuses in building the best solutions with fair opportunities and experience by developing and producing innovative products with best quality and affordable price tag. We believe that with our core values and goals we can continue to serve our customers better by consistently offering innovative products.

Thank you for your continued support to Maxdecal