Actor Harris Vriza, who is known to have an automotive hobby and often modifies his car , now he is changing the color of his luxury car again. This model and YouTuber really likes to collect luxury cars, of course this is accompanied by maintenance of the appearance of the luxury cars. So, don’t wonder he cares so much about the appearance of his car. This time he changed his BMW car using Saffron Yellow from Maxdecal 9800 Series.
Tag Archives: Harris Vriza
Aktor Harris Vriza yang dikenal memiliki hobi otomotif dan sering memodifikasi mobilnya, kini kembali mengubah warna mobil mewahnya. Model sekaligus youtuber ini memang hobi mengoleksi mobil mewah, tentunya hal ini dibarengi dengan perawatan penampilan mobil-mobil mewahnya. Maka tidak heran ia sangat peduli dengan penampilan mobilnya. Kali ini ia mengubah mobil BMW nya menggunakan Saffron Yellow dari Maxdecal 9800 Series.
Aktor papan atas, Harris Vriza memberi kejutan untuk kekasihnya Haviza Devi Anjani. Harris mengganti warna mobil kekasihnya dengan mewrapping mobil Alphard putih Haviza. Awalnya Haviza menuturkan ingin mobilnya di wrapping, mendengar itu Harris segera mengabulkan permintaan kekasihnya. Namun Harris ingin memilihkan warnanya agar menjadi kejutan untuk Haviza.
Top actor Harris Vriza surprises his girlfriend, Haviza Devi Anjani. Harris changed the color of his girlfriend’s car by wrapping Haviza’s white Alphard. At first, Haviza said that she wanted her car wrapped, hearing that Harris immediately granted her lover’s request. But Harris wanted to choose the color to be a surprise for Haviza.
The multitalented young actor who is often called Harris Vriza changed the color of his car Maserati Grandturismo MC Stradale with midnight dark red from Maxdecal’s 9800 Series. Actor, presenter, model, and youtuber with full name Harris Illano Vriza is indeed known to have a hobby in automotive, seen from the collections of luxury cars. [read more…]
Aktor muda multitalenta yang dikerap disapa Harris Vriza mengganti warna mobil Maserati Grandturismo MC Stradale putihnya dengan warna midnight dark red dari 9800 Series milik Maxdecal. Aktor, presenter, model dan youtuber dengan nama lengkap Harris Illano Vriza memang dikenal memiliki hobi di otomotif, terlihat dari koleksi-koleksi mobil mewahnya. Tentunya hal ini menjadikan Harris sangat peduli [read more…]