Tag Archives: Maxdecal PPF

Cara Kece Melindungi Mobil Ala Roy Ricardo

Rapper terkenal Roy Ricardo baru saja membeli mobil baru di hari ulang tahunnya. Selain terkenal sebagai penyanyi, pemilik nama lengkap Roy Yohanes Febriyanto Siahaan juga dikenal memiliki hobi otomotif. Ia kerap membagikan kegiatan hobi otomotifnya pada kanal YouTube KR TV (King Royal TV).

The Cool Way to Protect Roy Ricardo’s Car

The famous rapper Roy Ricardo just bought a new car on his birthday. Besides being famous as a singer, the full name Roy Yohanes Febriyanto Siahaan is also known to have an automotive hobby. He often shares his automotive hobby activities on the YouTube channel KR TV (King Royal TV).