Tag Archives: TheIndonesianKalcer

Terobosan Baru Maxdecal di IMX Expo 2022: Perpaduan Otomotif dan Lifestyle

Maxdecal turut terlibat dan berkontribusi menyukseskan OLX Autos Indonesia Modification & Lifestyle Expo. Puncak pada acara ini akan digelar di Hall A Jakarta Convention Center, tanggal 1-2 Oktober 2022. OLX Autos IMX Expo ini didukung oleh banyak pihak, salah satunya adalah Bambang Soesatyo, Ketua MPR RI sekaligus Ketua Umum Ikatan Motor Indonesia (IMI).

Maxdecal’s New Breakthrough at IMX Expo 2022: A Blend of Automotive and Lifestyle

Maxdecal was involved and contributed to the success of OLX Autos Indonesia Modification & Lifestyle Expo. The highlight of this event will be held at Hall A Jakarta Convention Center on 1-2 October 2022. OLX Autos IMX Expo is supported by many parties, one of which is Bambang Soesatyo, Chairman of the MPR RI and General Chair of the Indonesian Motor Association (IMI).