Maxdecal Supports Advancing Indonesian Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in UMKM Goes to Mandalika

The Ministry of Cooperatives and Small Medium Enterprises or Kemenkop UKM held an exhibition entitled “UMKM Goes to Mandalika” at the SMESCO Indonesia Building, South Jakarta on Sunday (06/03/2022). Teten Masduki, Minister of Cooperatives and UMKMs, said that this exhibition is expected to be a promotional event for MSME products at the 2022 Mandalika MotoGP Event.

“The MotoGP event that we have planned for 10 years in Mandalika must be used as an event for promoting UMKM products, promoting tourism and investment,” said Teten at the opening of the Goes To Mandalika MSME, Sunday (06/03/2022).

Many parties have supported the course of this event, one of which is the Chairman of the MPR RI, Bambang Soesatyo. He also visited the UMKM Goes to Mandalika exhibition at the SMESCO Gedung Building. He explained that the UMKM participants would be united with other leading SMEs from 14 provinces.

“The UMKM Goes to Mandalika participants will join other leading UKM from 14 provinces which will be prepared in the Mandalika Circuit area,” said Bambang Soesatyo.

In addition, Maxdecal also supports the UMKM Goes to Mandalika exhibition. As an automotive brand in Indonesia, of course, Maxdecal really supports events that advance the Indonesian automotive industry and UMKM in Indonesia.

UMKM that are included are not only automotive UMKM. However, the Ministry of Cooperatives has also prepared other categories of UMKM, such as culinary UMKM, souvenirs, and health products. Teten Masduki said that he had curated UMKM from 14 provinces that had been adapted to the MotoGP market.

“We have curated 1,256 MSME products from 14 provinces that have been adjusted to the MotoGP market, which are 80 percent male on average and 35 years old on average. Hopefully, this will be our promotion event,” said Teten.